Before...some really ugly and dirty shutters I bought on Criag's list for cheap
After...a lovely partition (by the way...have you priced out partitions? One like this would cost a couple hundred bucks easy)My friend Ashley taught me this awesome technique to give the faux aged look, and it cost hardly anything.
Before (I forgot to get a picture of the real deal so I swiped this similar one off the internet, 1 only used 2 to make 4 candles) newel posts aka banister spindles. I got them super cheap at the re-store.

After: candle posts
Before: Plain ol' books

After: Cute but oh so affordable decorative books
My entry way before. . .completely bare. And now:
Before: I really wanted a mantel shelf, but man are they spendy. So, my awesome step dad and brother Mike made me one out of styrofoam. . .
After: It took a ton of work but this shelf cost me about $20 when it was all said and done.
Before: ugly thrift store pillows
After: cute fabirc = cute pillows.
I also used the fabric to re-cover my lamp shades, spice up my curtains, and framed some for the wall above my bed.
Before: I forgot to get a before picture again. But I got a plain white lamp on clearance for $5 (looked something like this)

After: I used some cool black and white pictures and mod podge and made this:
Before: A dvd tower we were about to get rid of. . .

After: A headboard for the guest room
Here's my guest room now
My table and chairs before:
And After:
My dining room wall before, yuck (this picture is from Brenna's b-day party, hence the streamers)
And after:
Here's the final product of my dining room