Yeah, that's poo poo in the bathtub. A regular occurrence lately.
She insists on feeding herself, so I must insist that she eat naked, I am just not up for that much laundry. :)
That is cottage cheese in her ear.
Poop in the crib. I came in to find her rubbing her hands and feet in it. Thankfully it didn't get to the mouth.
The moments you remember:
When you find her trying on mommies shoes.
Practicing to be a dental hygienist like mommy. She will seriously follow me around saying "Ahhh" unitil I let her put the flashlight in my mouth.
Seeing a whole new side of your husband. He would die if he knew I posted this. . .but the other morning he was telling me about a dream he had where Brenna got kidnapped and the tears were just rolling down his cheeks. He was already the sweetest guy in the world, but she transforms him into a huge softy.

When she pulls tampons out of my purse and says "Cheese" I can see why she gets confused. :)
Just seeing this adorable face everyday!