My little brother Jordan graduated from BYU-Idaho this month with high honors. He is only 23 and he spent 2 years on a mission. I think that's pretty impressive. He got his degree in Psychology with a minor in International Studies. We made the trip up to Rexburg for the graduation and had lots of fun!

While we were there I had my first truly embarrassing mommy moment. The graduation ceremony was held in the BYU-Idaho center, which is basically just like the big conference center in Salt Lake City. It was very quiet in there and we were trying to keep Brenna quiet. I mean nobody even claps or anything, it's basically like church. I brought some coloring books and crayons to try and help Brenna get through. Well she was coloring this cute little kitty picture from Cinderella.........

......and all of a sudden she starts YELLING "mommy I'm coloring it's gina!" (as in it's girly parts :) Over and over! I tried to quietly distract her while also trying to be invisible. I can see where she got that idea though.